Exemption Statement

Degree Program(s) of study offered by Boomerang University have been declared by the appropriate state authority exempt from the requirements for licensure, under provisions of North Carolina General Statues (G.S.) 116-15 (d) for exemption from licensure with respect to religious education.  Exemption from licensure is not based upon any assessment of program quality under established licensing standards.

Student Complaints Statement

The State Authorization Unit of the University of North Carolina System Office serves as the official state entity to receive complaints concerning post-secondary institutions that are authorized to operate in North Carolina. If students are unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, they can review the Student Complaint Policy (PDF) and submit their complaint using the online complaint form at


For more information contact:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints

223 S. West Street, Suite 1800

Raleigh, NC 27603

(919) 962-4550


To file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Justice, please visit The State Attorney General’s web page at: North Carolina residents may call (877) 566-7226. Outside of North Carolina, please call (919) 716-6000. En Espanol (919) 716-0058. If you choose to mail a complaint, please use the following address:

Consumer Protection Division

Attorney General’s Office

Mail Service Center 9001

Raleigh, NC 27699-9001


Our classes meet on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM EST.